An independent archive of typography.

Emma Willard’s Maps of Time minisite

Contributed by Pavel Kedich on May 26th, 2020. Artwork published in
February 2020
Emma Willard’s Maps of Time minisite 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

In the 21st-century, infographics are everywhere. In the classroom, in the newspaper, in government reports, these concise visual representations of complicated information have changed the way we imagine our world. Susan Schulten explores the pioneering work of Emma Willard (1787–1870), a leading feminist educator whose innovative maps of time laid the groundwork for the charts and graphics of today.

This is a web republication of the original essay by Susan Schulten, Professor of History at the University of Denver, and the author of several books on maps and US history.

Curbe by Olga Pankova has been used for title and headings.

Curbe is an expressive display typeface inspired by Soviet 1960s. Technically, there are no historical letterforms—it is more about vibe and style: the script is contemporary, active, broken, dynamic.

Set in Adobe Caslon by Carol Twombly. Mrs Eaves Roman All Petite Caps by Zuzana Licko has been used for captions.

The original essay can be found on Public Domain Review.

Emma Willard’s Maps of Time minisite 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Curbe
  • Adobe Caslon
  • Mrs Eaves




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