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The Lonesome Valley Singers ‎– Hello Vietnam. Country & Western War Songs album art

Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler. Imported from Flickr on Dec 29, 2024. Artwork published in .
The Lonesome Valley Singers ‎– Hello Vietnam. Country & Western War Songs album art
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Bart Solenthaler and tagged with “filmotypewagner”, “filmotypewindsor” and “futuradisplay”. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Lonesome Valley Singers were a Canadian country and western band from Victoria, British Columbia. In 1965, Diplomat Records released an album with a Vietnam War theme.

The cover typography brings together three typefaces from the Filmotype library, including two originals, all used in all caps. Vermont is an open and shaded variant of Wagner. The top halves of the letters in “WAR SONGS” were manually filled in red, creating an effect that resembles chromatic wood type. Windsor is a bold condensed gothic with tiny serifs. The song names are set in Futura Display, which was carried by Filmotype as “FD”.

[More info on Discogs]


  • Filmotype Vermont
  • Filmotype Windsor
  • Futura Display




Artwork location

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