CMS Technology is a food technology company founded by scientists, chemists, and engineers determined to create precise food protection. They needed a brand reboot to bring out the predictive and preventive aspect of what they do and how they solve problems (not to mention SEO issues).
Nothing about the chemistry, equipment, ownership or service model changed. Just the name, logo, visual identity, messaging, collateral and website. Our team developed a full brand program to reintroduce CMS Technology as Prevenio, the new standard in pathogen protection.
The brand wordmark uses Neue Haas Grotesk for its strong structure and because the distiguished, squared tittle of the ipairs well with geometry of the logo symbol, The Fresh Shield.
Proxima Nova is used as the brand font to represent the clear, objective voice of Prevenio’s scientific expertise. The clarity and direct qualities of the font are an integral part of the visual identity and messaging, presenting the the brand as scientific, industry leaders.
Anonymous Pro was chosen as a secondary font for its legibility and is used for descriptive information and eyebrows, much like you would see in the footnotes and margins of a technical manual.