Adrift reflects on Ricardo Brey’s most recent body of works Adrift (2014–ongoing) as well on the artist’s overall aspirations for his exhibitions in Museum De Domijnen in Sittard, the Netherlands (February – June 2019) and Gerhard-Marck’s Haus, Bremen, Germany (December 2019 – March 2020). While it is not an artist book in the traditional sense, it is definitively a project by an artist. The aim of the publication is to create a sense of the artistic space that Brey wants to offer, with a polyphony of voices and an immersive sphere in which a quality of behavior is of prime importance.
The typography pairs two related typefaces. Haarlem (Edition Studio) is used for body text; headlines are set in DTL Fleischmann (Dutch Type Library). Both typefaces are based on the types of Johann Michael Fleischmann (born in Nuremberg, Germany, early 1700s–Amsterdam 1768) who worked as a punchcutter at Enschedé in Haarlem.