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Arthur C. Clarke paperback series, New English Library

Contributed by Alex Rosario on Sep 8th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 1976
The Sands of Mars, 1976. Cover art by Gordon C. Davies.
Source: Bear Alley. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Sands of Mars, 1976. Cover art by Gordon C. Davies.

The paperback series with Arthur C. Clarke novels as published by New English Library around 1976 uses Dynamo for the author’s name and Futura Extra Bold Condensed for the title, both in all caps.

Dynamo was designed by Karl Sommer and first cast by the Ludwig & Mayer foundry in Frankfurt/Main in 1930. In or before 1976, Letraset had re-issued the heavy semi slab for dry-transfer lettering, and subsequently expanded the design with a lighter Medium, a Shadow style (both 1977), a Chrome variant (1982), and a Condensed. Coincidentally, Futura Condensed originated in Frankfurt in 1930, too, at the competing Bauer foundry. The Extra Bold that is used here was added by Intertype in the 1950s, though.

Expedition To Earth, 1976.
Source: Graham Ainsley. License: All Rights Reserved.

Expedition To Earth, 1976.

Glide Path, 1977.
Source: Bear Alley. License: All Rights Reserved.

Glide Path, 1977.

Prelude to Space, 1977. Cover art Gordon C. Davies.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Prelude to Space, 1977. Cover art Gordon C. Davies.

The blurb on the back cover is set in  (with a tiny bit of  for the footnote).
Source: pulpcrush. License: All Rights Reserved.

The blurb on the back cover is set in Univers (with a tiny bit of Gill Sans for the footnote).

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