An independent archive of typography.

Pony Poindexter – Plays the Big Ones album art

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on May 15th, 2020. Artwork published in .
Pony Poindexter – Plays the Big Ones album art 1
Source: New Jazz Records. License: All Rights Reserved.

An especially colorful example for our collection of alternating glyph colors, on the cover of a record by American jazz saxophonist Pony Poindexter (1926–1988). No designer credited. From the liner notes by Juleit Lorca:

This is the first album introduding Norwood (Pony) Poindexter as a leader, and attempts to display some of the many facets of this talented artist.

Somewhat ironically, the all-caps stencil face is named Quiet. Designed in the early 1950s, it was among the first of Filmotype’s Novelty designs. It must have been quite popular, at least it appeared in the catalogs of other phototype suppliers as well, including Photo-Lettering, Inc (as Cargo Stencil Bold), VGC (as M-6), and Typeshop (as Expo). In 2010, Quiet was revived by Rebecca Alaccari and Patrick Griffin for the digital incarnation of Filmotype powered by Font Diner. The titles are printed in reverse from all-caps Craw Clarendon (ATF, 1955).

The back cover is set in , Linotype’s copy of , which here can be easily recognized by its alternate double-storey a.
Source: New Jazz Records. License: All Rights Reserved.

The back cover is set in Spartan, Linotype’s copy of Futura, which here can be easily recognized by its alternate double-storey a.


  • Filmotype Quiet
  • Craw Clarendon
  • Spartan




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