War and Peace in the Global Village by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore (Bantam) Photo(s) by Make It Old. Imported from Flickr on Dec 19, 2019. Artwork published in 1968. Source: www.flickr.com Uploaded to Flickr by Make It Old and tagged with “auroragrotesk”. License: CC BY-NC-SA. Anzeigen-Grotesk, reversed and on an angle, in a number of contrasting sizes, for the cover of the first edition of War and Peace in the Global Village. The title pages are set in various weights of Akzidenz-Grotesk. Helvetica is used for text. Source: archive.org License: All Rights Reserved. Source: archive.org License: All Rights Reserved. Source: archive.org License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Formats Books (5832) Topics Literature (2716) Politics (770) Designers/Agencies Quentin Fiore (7) Tagged withBantam Books (57)Marshall McLuhan (5)Quentin Fiore (1)book covers (5195)type on an angle (1156)reversed type (3053)1960s (682)one typeface (1675)red and black (1062)triangles (63)book jackets (820)book interiors (3155)title pages (911)half-title pages (36)war (103)peace (37)media studies (1)mass media (7)civilization (1)spheres/globes (68) Artwork location United States (8942) New York City (2555) In Sets dyplom (julia kazimierska) (68) VG (Jen Dodaro) (22) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Anzeigen-Grotesk / Neue Aurora IX in use The Optimist by Herbert Gold1959Ivan ChermayeffBrownjohn, Chermayfeff & GeismarContributed by Stephen Coles The Velvet Vampire (1971) and Scream of the Demon Lover (1970) movie posters and press book1971unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick Young Cherry Trees Secured Against Hares, Ann Arbor edition1969Quentin FioreContributed by Stephen Coles Sponsor More in Politics Toward a Sane Nuclear Policy booklet1960Ivan ChermayeffContributed by Nick Sherman “Rejoice!” T-shirt by Philosophy Football2013Contributed by Florian Hardwig “Aid the wounded” poster for Red Army Day1943F.H.K. HenrionContributed by Florian Hardwig Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land2016Andrea NeuwirthContributed by Willerstorfer Font Foundry More in Books Zurich Type Design by Rudolf Barmettler (ed.)2020Baldinger•Vu-HuuContributed by BVH Type Mullaemolla? Saalmolla!2015Manuel WeselyMuriel SerfMartha BayerContributed by Manuel Wesely Fangor After Guggenheimc. 2024Granada HillsContributed by Blaze Type Weak and Wicked by Al James1961Contributed by Stephen Coles More Fonts In Use Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord (2017)2017Violaine & JérémyContributed by VJ-Type Staff Pick Best Campus Humor of the Swinging ’60s, Signet Books1968unknownPhoto(s) by Steve on Flickr. Staff Pick Les champs sémantiques2020Sophie CureContributed by Production Type Staff Pick Estudos sobre Belo Horizonte e Minas Gerais nos trinta anos do BDMG Cultural2018Vitor CarvalhoContributed by Vitor Carvalho Staff Pick