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Architektura drewniana

Contributed by Ezra Fike on Aug 24th, 2019. Artwork published in .
Front cover
Photo: Ezra Fike. License: All Rights Reserved.

Front cover

Architektura drewniana (“wooden architecture”) is a photobook by Polish architect and architectural theorist Jan Władysław Rączka (1928–2011). The cover contrasts Kabel Black with ITC Avant Garde Gothic Light. The interior is set in Helvetica.

In the 1970s, Jan Władysław Rączka, an expert in wooden construction and a lover of mountains, walked the Tatra Mountains and photographed the decaying huts. He wanted to record something that was dying before his eyes – a shepherd culture whose visible marks, the wooden buildings, were deteriorating, but still beautiful. His photographs, however, are not just a document. Seen through Rączka’s lens, the huts take on the features of vivid graphics. The texture of the wood, traces of bark beetles, rays of light falling between the beams, the jagged edges of the roof form a unique rhythm of song for the departing world. — MEK Kraków [translated]

Interior 1
Photo: Ezra Fike. License: All Rights Reserved.

Interior 1

Interior 2
Photo: Ezra Fike. License: All Rights Reserved.

Interior 2


  • Kabel Black
  • ITC Avant Garde Gothic
  • Helvetica




Artwork location

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