Photo: Tomás Rangel. License: All Rights Reserved.
BigBi is a carioca household name. A juice house with bright fruits hanging on the walls, tasty Açaí, and the friendliest service in the city.
We redesigned their identity using an eclectic mix of typefaces. An organized street fair vibe was our intention in the choosing of typefaces.
Starting from the body copy, Signo provided the right personality: quirkiness with the light inverted contrast yet readable and sturdy enough to carry the load. Rio is very much connected to its Portuguese heritage and the fact that it was made by the super talented Portuguese type designer Rui Abreu brought it home even more. It’s used in the big menu panel and printed matter.
Our own Manteiga was used as the main display typeface, for setting titles in the menu, posters and elsewhere. Then we threw some ingredients to the juice, adding the usual suspects for this type of work, like the House Signpainter collection (Showcard for numbers, Casual for the small dotted lines), Felipe Calderón’s Hollie Script, Erik Spiekermann’s HWT Artz, as well as some other 80s inspired graphics, set in Skia, which has a Lithos vibe, a typeface that was overused in Rio’s late 80s/early 90s scene.
The logo is the main element and provides contrast. We wanted the remaining elements to vibrate, feeling like they belong to the same idea but not being the same at all times.
Creative Direction: Rodrigo Saiani
Design: Rodrigo Saiani, Lucas Campoi, Carlos Mignot, Ana Laura Ferraz, Felipe Casaprima, Gabriel Menezes, Aline Caruso, Valter Costa
Architecture: Davide Dulcetti, Daniel Fernandes, Tiago Tasca, Nicolle Prado (Plano Arquitetura e Design)
Lettering: Felipe Casaprima, Carlos Mignot, Rodrigo Saiani
Photography: Tomás Rangel
Photo: Tomás Rangel. License: All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Tomás Rangel. License: All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Tomás Rangel. License: All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Tomás Rangel. License: All Rights Reserved.