Sound Pellegrino Album Art
Contributed by Stephen Coles on Dec 3rd, 2012. Artwork published in
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5 Comments on “Sound Pellegrino Album Art”
Disregarding the use of Interstate, surely this cover’s perceived timelessness has something to do with the classic Deutsche Grammophon covers which it rips off / references … ?
Thank you for schooling me, Dan! Didn’t know about Deutsche Grammophon. Including the label here for reference. Still, I like Sound Pellegrino’s original, triangular take on the motif. Certainly a reference, not a rip off.
I imagine you are also aware what the name Sound Pellegrino references? (The straight from the spring title is a clue…)
I grew up with their music! Designers were actually Ill Studio (as well as for the identity), especially Nicolas Malinowsky, who later released tracks under the label. Malinowsky now runs his own studio: Atelier Malinowsky.
Thanks, Quentin!