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Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes

Contributed by Forgotten Shapes on Feb 11th, 2019. Artwork published in .
Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes 1
Luise Schröder. License: All Rights Reserved.

Artist Luise Schröder was invited to develop a concept for a decentralized memorial to Eduard Rosenthal as part of the Botho-Graef-Kunstpreis 2018.

Her work Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes (“For the benefit of the entire country”) is one of the initial applications of Trennert-Antiqua FSL, a digital re-issue by Stephan Müller and Reymund Schröder of an original type design by Friedrich Bauer (Schriftgießerei J.D. Trennert & Sohn, 1926).

Trennert-Antiqua is paired with Neue Moderne Grotesk FSL, another typeface revival that will be released in the Forgotten Shapes Library later in 2019, based on a design that is related to Aurora-Grotesk.

The commemorative plate designed by Schröder honors the Jewish jurist Eduard Rosenthal (1853–1926) who authored the constitution of Thuringia. It addresses the void in the culture of remembrance that is associated with his person. The plate is to be produced in an edition of 1.08 million copies and then sent as a gift to all households in the state of Thuringia.

Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes 2
Luise Schröder. License: All Rights Reserved.
Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes 3
Luise Schröder. License: All Rights Reserved.
Zum Wohle des ganzen Landes 4
Luise Schröder. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Trennert-Antiqua FSL
  • Neue Moderne Grotesk FSL



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