For the promotion of the ZUM 2018 Photography Grant, supported by the Brazilian contemporary photography magazine of the Instituto Moreira Salles, a large typographic poster was created with texts at different sizes, all set in Druk. On the original 88×61 cm (35″×24″) poster, a grid of perforated lines allows the derivation of pieces in various formats, from smaller posters to postcards. In each module, the information is repeated in different arrangements, so that all pieces, regardless of size or format, carry the same content as the others. The concept was a typographic scale play with the name of the photography magazine zum [already a Portuguese word-play with the English word zoom] and it was also used in digital communication, such as social media posts and even a cinema vignette.
The project won the TDC 65 (Type Directors Club New York) Certificate of Typographic Excellence.