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Přelet nad kukaččím hnízdem movie poster

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Apr 14th, 2018. Artwork published in .
Přelet nad kukaččím hnízdem movie poster
Source: jozefSquare. License: All Rights Reserved.

This poster was designed for the 1978 screening of Miloš Forman’s award-winning movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) in Czechoslovakia. For the title, Jan Weber went back and forth between upright condensed and italic letters from Cooper Black, creating a nervous mix that perfectly captures the film’s atmosphere. This is further enforced by the repeated and blown up picture of the frantically grinning McMurphy. The diacritical marks appear to be custom creations, possibly made from other glyph parts. The smaller type mounted on a downward slope is in Universal Grotesk, a face that was ubiquitous in Czechoslovakia.

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