Boundless Theatre, led by Artistic Director Rob Drummer, is a UK based theatrical group that creates plays for 15 to 25 year olds, “as well as curious others”, that respond to a diverse global culture and empowers young people to collaborate and find their voice. In the spirit of the name, Boundless Theatre tours both nationally and internationally.
With the intention of increasing the profile of the theatre, developing the audience within their core demographic, and engaging with guardians, teachers and donors, Boundless Theatre worked with design studio Spy to develop a new type-centric graphic identity with an optimistic, loud and youthful voice. This links a variety of printed materials. These included posters, programmes, business cards and box tape, and extend to digital experiences for mobile and desktop.
Rather than a wordmark or logo, Spy employ something of a rough and ready quality, and an evident continuity throughout, in the overlapping and cropping of Process Type Foundry’s Scandia. Boundlessness is given a literal expression in the way type runs off the edges of business cards and posters, with its multi-directional arrangement conveying, in an intelligible manner, an uncontainable energy and dynamic quality.