Slaughterhouse-Five, first edition
Contributed by Nick Sherman on Aug 20th, 2012. Artwork published in
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6 Comments on “Slaughterhouse-Five, first edition”
The Children’s Crusade is Anzeigen-Grotesk (aka Neue Aurora IX).
Right you are. Thanks, Jay!
Could you explain what you mean when you say that the second S is upside down? When you vertically flip an S, it looks like a 2 in that the direction of each opening should change: the top should open to the left (as the bottom formerly did) and the bottom should open to the right (as the top formerly did). If, instead of inverting the letter, you simply rotate the “S” 180 degrees, it should basically stay the same, which it does. What am I missing here? Thanks!
In most typefaces, the S is not rotational symmetrical: the upper half is often shorter and also narrower, so that it looks balanced.
It still does not appear to be truly upside down in the book cover. Since the poster was referring to tshirts with cover art -Maybe the person’s shirt was stretched (in that area) when the author noticed what the s appearing upside down.
Nick did refer to the book jacket – the T-shirt simply reproduces the cover art. The image below shows …
1. the first S (in SLAUGHTER), rotated 90 degrees so that the baseline is horizontal
2. the same letterform, but rotated another 180 degrees, so that it’s upside-down
3. the second S (in HOUSE), rotated –79 degrees, so that the baseline is horizontal
Nos. 2 and 3 are not identical – the latter has a bolder spine – but I hope it becomes clear that 3 is closer to 2 than to 1.