Verlag R. Halbeck ad for rhetoric courses Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Mar 3, 2018. Artwork published in circa 1928. Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “bernhardhandschrift”. License: All Rights Reserved. Ad for a correspondence course in “practical art of living, logical thinking and free rhetoric”, edited by F.A. Brecht. Source: altpapiersammler. License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Formats Advertising (1962) Ephemera (1128) Topics Education/Academia (1984) Tagged withrhetoric (1)courses (19)mailers (1)forms (80)red and black (1072)underlined (694)1920s (100)German (language) (2193)Verlag R. Halbeck (1)F.A. Brecht (1)Weimar Republic (91)job work (205) Artwork location Germany (3548) Berlin (1048) In Sets Whole pages in italic (Thiago) (7) Sentence spacing (Thiago) (36) Fonts to Get? (Nic Harp) (121) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Erbar-Grotesk in use Bernstein Conducts Bartók album art1967unknownColumbia RecordsContributed by Nick Sherman Johann Merkenthaler leaflet (1930s)c. 1935Contributed by Florian Hardwig St. Martin’s School of Art 1985 Degree Shows poster1985Phil BainesContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick Sponsor More in Education/Academia Bats of Papua New Guinea posters2023Laura MontbelContributed by Ariel Martin Perez Pau-Tarbes Pyrenees School of Art student guide2011Jean-Marc Saint-PaulContributed by 205TF Louth Science Festival 20192019GrandsonKillian WalshJake HeaveyContributed by Killian Walsh Kodak Graphic Arts Handbook, 1st Edition1955Contributed by Stephen Coles More in Ephemera Pick Your Poison Coasters2013Fifty Five Hi’sContributed by Stephen Coles E-Meter Electrode Cleaning Cloths1997unknownContributed by Robert Beatty Ragazzi restaurant identity2019SCCO StudioContributed by Production Type Staff Pick Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaften 2024c. 2024Marcel BackscheiderKatharina KochContributed by HAL Typefaces More Fonts In Use okay hold steady now2012Scott MasseyContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick Yearbook 2015–2016, Design Department, Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam2016Andrea KarchDaniel SeemayerContributed by Axel Pelletanche Thévenart Staff Pick Changer la mode pour le climat 20152015Maison SolideContributed by Quentin Schmerber Staff Pick Bedow portfolio websiteBedowPerniclas BedowContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick