Free Soul is a compilation series started by Toru Hashimoto. Each CD or compilation revolves around a theme, whether it features a specific artist, music label, genre, mood, or an era of music.
I encountered Wada Akiko’s Free Soul compilation and was intrigued by the typeface of the album; this bold font in yellow reminded me of a vintage album art cover. I finally discovered the name of this font by perusing through this site which turned out to be Stilla.
Toru Hashimoto is also known for his famous Mellow Beats compilation series, mostly comprising hip-hop, hip-hop instrumentals, jazz, and instrumentals. I highly recommend all of the compilations in the Mellow Beats series, and if you are into lounge/jazz/bar music, check out his Café Après-Midi compilation series. It’s a bit difficult to track down the albums and the collection is quite substantial and this series has been running for more than 15 years, but grabbing the track listing and listening to each song is still worth the effort.
1 Comment on “Free Soul compilations”
See also this additional contribution by Saya Jingoo, featuring mostly other editions from the Free Soul series.