The Iliad of Homer, The University of Chicago Press
Contributed by Dan Reynolds on Mar 20th, 2017. Artwork published in
circa 1961
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4 Comments on “The Iliad of Homer, The University of Chicago Press”
Considering the incredible amount of work put into Cancelleresca Bastarda, it’s really sad how little use it’s had. I’m glad to see it got even a little bit of love here.
The only really extensive user of it I know of is Stanbrook Abbey Press, a private artistic press owned by an English Catholic nunnery. This article on their work (also: bonus awful joke-sorry) could be a Fonts in Use post in itself.
As the cover image shows, the translator’s first name was “Richmond,” not “Richard,” as your article has it.
Thanks, Jared! It’s fixed now.
Ezra Fike has kindly shared additional images of this book, from his collection of “mid-century books with excellent design.”
The back cover includes design credits. I’m happy to add Sue Allen as the designer of this cover. The blurbs appear to be set in Bembo.