Source: to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “gotischeantiqua”. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Allen Freunden und Förderern ein glückliches 1917. Möge es uns den heiß ersehnten Frieden bringen zum Wohle der Menschheit und das Aufblühen unserer idealen Kultur-Arbeiten.”
[To all friends and supporters a happy 1917. May it bring us the much-desired peace for the sake of humanity and the flourishing of our ideal culture works.]
In: Typographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 14, Issue 2, February 1917.
The typeface is F.W. Kleukens’ Gotische Antiqua, exclusively using its uncialish alternates for ‘EMNÜW’. Both forms of ‘T’ and ‘U’ are present. The two-colored decorated ‘N’ is from the series of initials that accompanied Gotische Antiqua.