Source: warriorsstudio.comWarriors Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
Local Heroes commissioned Warriors Studio to design a contemporary interpretation of a classic souvenir poster. Nummer Wans is a way to say “number ones” in west coast Scottish dialect. The poster champions Scottish inventions, discoveries, innovation and design.
Describing the design process the designers said, “We’re big fans of independent Swiss type foundry, Grilli Type, so we set the ‘nummer wans’ in GT Haptik, a monolinear geometric grotesque typeface, then combined it with the ‘1’ from Benoît Bodhuin’s ZIGZAG, an experimental and playful font to juxtapose the two lettering styles.”
Source: warriorsstudio.comWarriors Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: warriorsstudio.comWarriors Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: warriorsstudio.comWarriors Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.