Next Expérience
The Montréal based studio Nouvelle Administration (Éloïse Deschamps and Martin Poirier) created a multiplatform campaign and stage production for Next Expérience, a series of art and business conferences presented by Infopresse.
- Advertising (1946)
- Posters/Flyers (5153)
- Exhibition/Installation (1022)
- Art (4164)
- Business/Finance (697)
Tagged with
- conferences (108)
- all lowercase (814)
- overprint/multiply (328)
- repetition (719)
- shirts (31)
- stacked glyphs (481)
- reversed type on an image (1085)
- reversed type (3063)
- center-aligned text (1683)
- type series: sans+serif (337)
- type series (580)
- trendlisty (118)