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The Dallas Times Herald, Nov 22, 1963

Contributed by Bob Allen on May 18th, 2016. Artwork published in
November 1963
The Dallas Times Herald, Nov 22, 1963
License: All Rights Reserved.

Ludlow’s Tempo was very common in American newspapers of the 1940s–60s. This main headline uses Tempo Heavy.


  • Tempo
  • Metro No. 2



Artwork location

3 Comments on “The Dallas Times Herald, Nov 22, 1963”

  1. Another set of Dallas Times Herald front pages that claim to be from the same date.

  2. Bob Allen says:
    May 18th, 2016 3:29 pm

    My guess is that the Dallas Times Herald published their 'evening’, 'final edition’, around 11 AM since that is the time that JFK departed Fort Worth on his flight to Love Field. That flight is not referenced in this editions articles. Other DTH papers with the Nov 22 date that also stating 'final edition’, included the assasination reports. Perhaps those editions should have been labeled as 'EXTRA’ as many other papers that kept reporting and distributing additional updated editions into the evening hours. It would be interesting to know how many 'final edition’ papers without the assasination news were put in circulation before being 'pulled’.

  3. Just a few years earlier Allen Hutt in Newspaper Design had suggested that Tempo or Metro would be just the thing for a paper “in a more urban or suburban area” whereas “for a solid country weekly a simple arrangement of Cheltenham might well fit the bill.” Looks like they didn’t go for his suggestion that Bodoni Bold might be useful to use as a contrast every now and then.

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