This is a good example why it can be beneficial to use an All Caps styling instead of actually keying in capitals. Many contemporary fonts including the OpenType version of Filosofia come with case-sensitive forms. Some glyphs like the inverted question mark may then be automatically replaced by a raised version that sits on the baseline, just like the capital letters do. Likewise, ranging numerals may be substituted by lining ones.
Top: Filosofia with manually typed in capitals and default forms for ‘¿’ and numerals.
Bottom: Filosofia with an All Caps styling applied, taking advantage of the built-in OpenType feature.
1 Comment on “Colección Bitácora”
This is a good example why it can be beneficial to use an All Caps styling instead of actually keying in capitals. Many contemporary fonts including the OpenType version of Filosofia come with case-sensitive forms. Some glyphs like the inverted question mark may then be automatically replaced by a raised version that sits on the baseline, just like the capital letters do. Likewise, ranging numerals may be substituted by lining ones.
Top: Filosofia with manually typed in capitals and default forms for ‘¿’ and numerals. OpenType feature.
Bottom: Filosofia with an All Caps styling applied, taking advantage of the built-in