Credited as Hiroshi Yamashita’s design for Photo-Lettering,
Inc. in IDEA No. 120, 1973 (via Shin Oka),
without name. Not yet shown in PLINC’s One Line
catalog (1971). Shown in Lettergraphics’ 1976 catalog as
Tuggle Swash, together with the related
Swash, and in Castcraft’s 1978 catalog as
OPTI Tubby (Castcraft, 1990–1994) is a digital
interpretation in two weights, with several swash alternates. The
bold is used for the sample. The roman style of Jackpot (Canada Type, 2005) appears to be
based on Tuggle, too.
Susana Carvalho made an official digitization as
Tuggle with a second (newly added?) More…
Credited as Hiroshi Yamashita’s design for Photo-Lettering, Inc. in IDEA No. 120, 1973 (via Shin Oka), without name. Not yet shown in PLINC’s One Line catalog (1971). Shown in Lettergraphics’ 1976 catalog as Tuggle Swash, together with the related Funky Swash, and in Castcraft’s 1978 catalog as Tubby.
OPTI Tubby (Castcraft, 1990–1994) is a digital interpretation in two weights, with several swash alternates. The bold is used for the sample. The roman style of Jackpot (Canada Type, 2005) appears to be based on Tuggle, too.
Susana Carvalho made an official digitization as Tuggle with a second (newly added?) Highlight style for the digital incarnation of Photo-Lettering by House Industries before 2011. Also known as Plinc Tuggle.