Designed by Łukasz Dziedzic with the help of Adam Twardoch and Botio Nikoltchev. Released under the SIL Open Font License.
Contributed by Pixesia Studio
Contributed by Leibowitz Design
Contributed by Cocota Studio
Contributed by F37®
Contributed by Kontour
Contributed by Daniel McQueen (TDF)
Contributed by Stefano Bracchi
Contributed by Robbert Schefman
Contributed by Paula Pons
Contributed by Josephine Walters
Contributed by Michael Chabon
Contributed by Jan Tonellato
Contributed by Aasawari kulkarni
Contributed by Jerome Montagne
Contributed by Andrew Bellamy
Contributed by Lauren N. Bailey
Contributed by Ana Belen Agüero
Contributed by OCIO Studio
Contributed by Andriy Konstantynov
Contributed by Alex Slobzheninov
Contributed by Stanisław Zaykowski
Contributed by Frode Helland (Monokrom Skriftforlag)
Contributed by Nikola Keavy
Contributed by Meir Sadan
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Choo Kwang Zhee
Contributed by Stephen Shaw
Contributed by Matt Grey
Contributed by Mikołaj Czyż
Contributed by Constança Amador
Contributed by I G
Contributed by Ricard Marfà
Contributed by Adrien Heury
Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter
Contributed by Vincent le Moign
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Contributed by Jeff Porter