Designed by Stan Davis for VGC in 1973 [Oka], in three styles; No. 1 (regular, with caps and lowercase), No. 2 (bold, with biforms), No. 3 (bold outline). Comes with many alternates. Stan Compromise (solid and outline) is very similar to No. 2. Stan Conform is a fully angular variant (with small caps), Stan Free (1973) is rounded [Klingspor-Museum]. Copied as Benny No. 1, Benny (bold), and Benny Outline [Castcraft 1978].
One style was digitized as OPTI Benny One (Castcraft, 1990–1991, with alternates for ‘bdfkmntJPXYZ&’, used for the sample). See also BN Binder (Brandon Nickerson Studio, 2024).