Designed by Noël Leu, with Seb McLauchlan. Initially named Federal. The family spans five widths plus a monospaced series, all in seven weights plus italics, resulting in a total of 84 styles.
Contributed by Lucas Descroix
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist
Contributed by Erin Ellis
Contributed by Angello Torres
Contributed by Lewis McGuffie
Contributed by João Pesce
Contributed by Escola studio
Contributed by Philipp Dittmar
Contributed by Liam Andrew Cura
Contributed by David Sieren
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Kilotype
Contributed by Chloë Miller
Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter
Contributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Lucas Le Bihan
Contributed by XXIX
Contributed by Richard Baird
Contributed by Grilli Type
Contributed by Jamie Clarke
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Mirja Kuberka
Contributed by Studio Size
Contributed by David Jonathan Ross
Contributed by Synchronized Studio
Contributed by Milan Nedvěd
Contributed by Steffen Bertram
Contributed by Eddie Wong
Contributed by Alain Papazian
Contributed by Fanny Hamelin
Contributed by Laura Paolazzi
Contributed by Daniel McQueen (TDF)
Contributed by Jonny Black
Contributed by F37®
Contributed by Swiss Typefaces
Contributed by Killian Walsh
Contributed by linda romano
Contributed by VJ-Type
Contributed by Nino Parlette
Contributed by Studio 24/24
Contributed by Daniel Ioannou
Contributed by Studio Blask
Contributed by Katie Kerr
Contributed by Robbert Schefman
Contributed by Nikolas Wrobel
Contributed by ML Type
Contributed by Amanda Caskey
Contributed by Jolin Masson
Contributed by Nick de Jardine