Designed by Richard Lipton based on the lettering of 18th-century writing masters, as rendered in the unparalleled engravings of George Bickham. [Adobe] Extended with Cyrillic and Greek in 2016 as Bickham Script Pro 3, together with Robert Slimbach.
Contributed by Robert Blesse
Contributed by Arthur Felippe
Contributed by Colin Jäck
Contributed by Darden Studio
Contributed by Richard Lipton
Contributed by Botio Nikoltchev
Contributed by Kevin Jones
Contributed by Martin Sulzbach
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Anton Koovit
Photo(s) by Nick Sherman on Flickr.
Contributed by Stephen Coles
Photo(s) by See-ming Lee on Flickr.
Contributed by Laura Serra