Walbaum’s types were rediscovered in the 20th century after Berthold had acquired the assets of the typefoundries by Brockhaus and Töpfer & Kahle in Weimar in 1918. [Ralf Herrmann] Berthold’s Walbaum-Antiqua with Kursiv was shown in 1926 [Wetzig 1926–40],
Under the direction of Günter Gerhard Lange, Berthold revisited Walbaum’s historical design and released a series of size-specific versions for phototypesetting. Walbaum Book (1975) is based on the 16 point size. The digital version comes in 3 weights with italics. The upright Regular and Medium have small caps. Walbaum Standard (1976) is based on the 8 and 10 point sizes. It spans 3 styles; Regular, Italic and Medium.