One of three typefaces (along with Pantelleria and Flegrei) revived from the Tipoteca Italiana wood type
collection. Comes in Solid and Striped styles, with the latter also
being offered in color font format.
“Filicudi is a two-layer display typeface with
roots from Milan. While the weights Solid and Striped are each
extraordinary solo artists, the latter marks the more exceptional
character—yet they unfold a remarkable relationship as a duo.
Filicudi Striped was originally conceived under the
less spectacular name “no. 344”, mentioned as part of a larger
multi-layered family in a 1930s type specimen catalogue of the
Xilografia Milanese. It follows a style that was popular among type
foundries in the 1930s all over Europe.” [Adobe] The
mentioned no. 344 was probably an adaptation More…
One of three typefaces (along with Pantelleria and Flegrei) revived from the Tipoteca Italiana wood type collection. Comes in Solid and Striped styles, with the latter also being offered in color font format.
“Filicudi is a two-layer display typeface with roots from Milan. While the weights Solid and Striped are each extraordinary solo artists, the latter marks the more exceptional character—yet they unfold a remarkable relationship as a duo. Filicudi Striped was originally conceived under the less spectacular name “no. 344”, mentioned as part of a larger multi-layered family in a 1930s type specimen catalogue of the Xilografia Milanese. It follows a style that was popular among type foundries in the 1930s all over Europe.” [Adobe] The mentioned no. 344 was probably an adaptation of Schaefer-Versalien.