A capital alphabet (A–Z) shown in Lettera 2 (1961) as Lawless Type, with the design credited to Walter Haettenschweiler. The 5th revised edition from 1976 additionally credits the series’ co-editor Armin Haab.
A direct phototype adaptation is shown in a 1968 Lettergraphics catalog as Fun Caps, with a few added symbols (comma, question mark, ampersand), but no numerals. Other phototype versions are shown in Typeshop’s 1973 catalog as Rupias, in Hollenstein’s 1971 and 1974 catalog as Lawless (used for sample), in a 1970 Fürst catalog as Fairlane Caps, here with added numerals derived from Optima, and in Solotype’s 1992 catalog as Whimsey.