Type foundry in Leipzig-Paunsdorf, founded by Johann Gottfried Böttger (†1875) in 1863. Acquired by Berthold in 1918 who merged it with Brockhaus, Rühl, Kahle, Kloberg and Klinkhardt into their Böttger-Klinkhardt branch. [Klingspor-Museum]
Contributed by fangly
Contributed by Amélie Lehoux
Contributed by Or Type
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Milan Braun
Photo(s) by Florian Hardwig on Flickr.
Photo(s) by Jens Jørgen Hansen, bogtrykker on Flickr.
Photo(s) by altpapiersammler on Flickr.
Contributed by Alicia Mundy
Contributed by Nick Sherman
Contributed by Ralf H.
Contributed by Garrison Martin
Contributed by Stéphane Darricau
Photo(s) by Buro Destruct on Flickr.
Contributed by René Villeaux
Photo(s) on Flickr.
Contributed by Carl Traberg
Contributed by Kai Büschl
Contributed by Dominik Schwarz
Contributed by Rob Hudson
Contributed by Ciarán
Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter
Contributed by Elizabeth Goodspeed
Contributed by Cinzia Bongino
Contributed by MacNeill Chapman
Contributed by Darden Studio
Contributed by Sean O'Connor
Contributed by STUDIO WORK
Contributed by Jarred Eberhardt
Contributed by Stephen Coles