Typeshop was a group of photosetting studios in Germany, but
also with offices in Austria (Linz, Vienna) and the Netherlands
(Amsterdam). According to Elsner+Flake, there once were over 28
typeshops across Europe. Founded by by Walter Florenz Brendel of
Brendel & Pabst in Düsseldorf before 1968.
The Brendel Type Studio also created their own exclusive
typefaces, known as Typeshop Serials. These are typically
adaptations of classics like Bodoni or
Times, but also of more recent designs, at least
partly unlicensed. They were expanded to cover a range of weights,
plus outline and shadow styles [Typeshop Serials].
The type-making branch was later doing business as Brendel Informatik.
Some of the fonts are still being sold, by various outlets
including The
Quick Brown Fox, TypeShop
Collection (by Elsner+Flake), and More…
Typeshop was a group of photosetting studios in Germany, but also with offices in Austria (Linz, Vienna) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam). According to Elsner+Flake, there once were over 28 typeshops across Europe. Founded by by Walter Florenz Brendel of Brendel & Pabst in Düsseldorf before 1968.
The Brendel Type Studio also created their own exclusive typefaces, known as Typeshop Serials. These are typically adaptations of classics like Bodoni or Times, but also of more recent designs, at least partly unlicensed. They were expanded to cover a range of weights, plus outline and shadow styles [Typeshop Serials].
The type-making branch was later doing business as Brendel Informatik. Some of the fonts are still being sold, by various outlets including The Quick Brown Fox, TypeShop Collection (by Elsner+Flake), and SoftMaker.
Not related to Bitstream TypeShop, which was a CD-ROM with Bitstream’s entire typeface library (v1.0 from 1994 offered 1,085 typefaces for $1,089; TypeShop Pro followed in 1995 with 96 new additions).